Finding Time

As the physical labor of the garden wanes, I find myself needing to supplement my days with a bit of an extra workout to keep my body and soul fit during these cool months to come.  But when?  This seems to be the question I have asked myself each morning for the past several weeks.  I’m not sure how, but I find not only the minutes, but the hours of the day disappear without my noticing.

The funny thing about the whole situation is two years ago at this time I was working full-time, carting my kids off to day care for 10-plus hours a day.  And now, when I do have so, so, so much more time to spend with them, it still seems like there is not enough.  I guess this is what all of those mothers meant when I had my first little baby, and they told me time and time again that time goes by so fast, and you must take in and cherish all moments, good or bad (or terrible for that matter), because they are so fleeting.

So I find myself today, sneaking in a very quick workout in my garage, while my youngest takes a tiny nap after her dance lesson.  We mamas have to just do the best we can, with the time God has given us.

I hope all of you find a bit of extra time in your day today 🙂

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